Bug List

Bug List:

1.) There is long check out lines at the Gainesville Publix starting at 3pm.
I think the main reason for these lines is people starting to pick up dinner. Publix also doesn’t open all their lines during the day.

2.) Even if you make an appointment at Randys it sometimes takes 15 minutes after your appointment for them to get you in. 
I think the main reason for this is that they fall behind with their appointments as people show up late to their appointments earlier in the day.

3.) The Mcdonalds on University takes forever to get the food out starting at around 5pm. 
The cause for this is that the workers are poorly trained and busy with many customers.

4.) The Mcdonalds on University often forgets to give you a smoothie if you order one. 
I think the cause of this bug is the fact that the workers close out orders before they are completely delivered. When they close the order it goes away and they forget to give you the rest of what you ordered. Usually the smoothie is made last so it is forgotten.

5.) The Nissan in Winter Haven, FL takes forever to even see the service technician to get an oil change. 
The cause of this seems to be that the Nissan is understaffed with service techs and the consultation to get an oil change takes a long time because of the amount of information they require to get your car into the shop.

6.) The line for the weight room at southwest rec is really long after 4pm. 
The root of this problem seems to stem from the fact that many students are done with classes and are trying to go the gym right before dinner and that causes a long line for a lot of the equipment.

7.) The postal service constantly sends my packages to the wrong address on campus. 
I think the cause of this bug is that the addresses for the fraternity houses (where I live) on campus are very similar and the postal service mixes them up often.

8.) The UF internet service goes down at my house at least once a day for an hour or more. 
The DHnet internet service that UF puts into fraternity houses (where I live) is outdated and doesn’t integrate well with older houses on campus.

9.) The Directv satellite box that I have needs to be reset by the company every time the power goes out. 
The cause of the problem seems to be that the satellite connection doesn’t automatically reconnect with the satellite box. The company must do it manually for some reason.

10.) The Walmart in Butler Plaza runs out of medium sized shirts frequently. 
The problem seems to be that Walmart is not ordering enough shirts to meet the demand of the area so every time there is a new shipment of medium shirts they get bought out almost immediately.

11.) The Chomp It in Graham takes 30 minutes or more to make food after a Gator Football game. The cause of this is that the Chomp It in Graham has way too few staff working after the gator games. They cannot handle the large influx of students looking to eat after games. They are also one of the few restaurants open after night games so many people stop there to eat on their way home.

12.) The venders in the football stadium take a long time to get food out during football games. 
There are just too few venders to serve the large student section in the stadium. The corridors are also rather small to accommodate the long lines that stack up at the venders.

13.) The Best Buy in Davenport is almost always crowded, and it is very difficult to get help with phones on the weekend. 
Best Buy carries a large variety of phones on almost all carriers. The main cause of the problem is that many people go to Best Buy to shop around for a phone rather than go to their carrier’s store.

14.) The rental section in the UF bookstore always has a super long line during syllabus week. 
The main issue seems to be that the area to pick up the rentals is very cramped and not built to handle the large number of students that rent books nowadays. There is also usually only one person set up to process rentals, so the line moves very slow.

15.) The Starbucks in Marston Library always seems to have a very long line around 8 pm. 
I think a lot of students are trying to buy coffee before they start studying late into the night. The Starbucks in Marston is the most convenient place to go.

16.) The Chick Fil A by Broward Hall takes a long time to get food out during the hours of 12-1pm. The main root of this bug is that many students who are on the meal plan go to Chick Fil A for lunch because they can use their flex bucks to buy lunch there. It is also centrally located so many people go there for lunch.

17.) The Taco Bell on Archer Road is always very crowded around 12am. 
This bug seems to be caused by the fact that the Taco Bell on Archer is one of the few restaurants up on Archer that is open late. Many other restaurants are closed so a lot of people chose to go to Taco Bell for late night eating.

18.) The clothes at Walmart always tend to shrink a size after the first wash. 
The clothes that Walmart buys are usually lower in quality than what you would find at a regular retailer. The fabric is cheaper, and I think for that reason it shrinks easier.

19.) The pizza chefs at Mod Pizza forget orders sometimes and the food doesn’t come out. 
I think the reason for this bug is that Mod Pizza is so new, and they haven’t perfected their quality control system yet. The employees are still being trained and working through the kinks in their system.

20.) The red parking lot behind SAE and in front of Flavet Field always seems to fill around 8 pm. The cause of this seems to come from the fact that many people live in the fraternity houses in front of the parking lot. There are also a lot of people that use that lot to park at to participate in sports activities that take place on Flavet field late into the evening.

It was very difficult to come up with the last 10 bugs on this list. The first 10 were easy bugs to find just because I’ve experienced them so much in my lifetime. The last 10 were harder because I don’t experience them necessarily as often throughout my daily life. The last 10 bugs that I came up with mainly came from personal observations I made in being back for the first two weeks of class in Gainesville.


  1. William, I agree assembling a list of 20 things that bug us are not easy and as I'm reading some of the other Bug Lists, I started to realize how many things in our daily lives are things that are annoying. I fell like now, I could probably write a list of 1000 things that bug me. Its funny many items on your list involve waiting in lines and it makes you think of how much time we all actually wait in lines to eat, driving, at school etc. Virtually our entire lives are waiting in line. Good Post!

  2. William, I see myself in your bug list as we share several items. In the beginning it was difficult for me to come up with the list but now since finishing the assignment I find myself pointing out things that "bug" me. Its fascinating how we ignore all the stuff that bother us throughout the day and only now after completing the assignment am I aware.


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