Elevator Pitch No. 1


  1. Hi William,

    I have encountered numerous issues with parking here at UF. Also, driving around parking garages is time consuming and stressful. I love your idea of an app! It would be so beneficial to know if there are spots or not. This can also help students not receive as many parking tickets because they could see if there are spots available in their zones. They will also get to class in time and not have so much stress about were to park/how to get to class.

  2. William,
    I can surely agree with you about how stressful it is to park around campus. It is something that should have been fixed a long time ago and the fact it has not is crazy to me because instead it is only getting worse. Because of this, your idea is great and should be put into action as soon as possible. Your elevator pitch had a great start, great way to grab the audience's attention.

  3. William,
    Great work creating a product to solve the current problem of parking here at UF. With more and more students getting accepted the problem will only get worse as time passes. Your pitch was concise and easy to follow while maintaining the attention of the audience. Attire was great as well as you want to maintain a certain level of formality during such event.

  4. William,
    I think the idea of your app is awesome! There have been so many times that not only at UF, but places that have large parkings like theme parks or even sporting events that I wish I knew if and where there is parking. I think the idea could be very successful, not only on college campuses. You were confident in what you were talking about and that confidence did stand out to me. Thank you for sharing your idea, great job!


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