Identifying Local Opportunities

Title of Article: SunRail: Promise or peril? Central Florida's transit crisis - Local Viewpoint

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Story Description: Even as Interstate 4 has gotten more gridlocked and dangerous, ridership on the SunRail has not risen. The SunRail runs parallel to Interstate 4 and provides an alternative to travelling on the crowed roads in Orlando. The main reason that the SunRail is facing stagnant ridership is because of uneven bus connections and lack of weekend and evening service.

Description of Problem: The problem is that the SunRail has poor bus connections and lack of weekend and evening service.

Who has the problem: The main people that have the problem are the tourists that flock to the Orlando area and the commuters who commute in and out of Orlando for work. The SunRail also has a problem because low ridership means low revenues for the service.

Title of Article: Cruise ships dock in Port Canaveral, avoid Florence - Thousands of passengers redirected as storm heads toward Carolinas

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Story Description: Hurricane Florence is causing many problems for cruise ship passengers. Two vessels have already been redirected towards Port Canaveral as the storms are coming towards North and South Carolina. Some passengers intend to continue on their cruises to other destinations while others are revising their vacation plans onto other things.

Description of the Problem: Hurricane Florence is causing some cruise ships to chance their itineraries to get to safe harbor.

Who has the problem: Cruise ship passengers affected by this storm are the ones that have the problems. The cruise ship operators also have problems with angry customers and increased fees due to changes in itinerary’s.

Title of Article: Teens using social media extensively - Survey finds dramatic rise in - 6 years, but more also abstain

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Story Description: Social media use amongst teenagers is up dramatically since 2012. In 2012, only around 34% of teens reported using social media multiple times a day. In 2018, that number rose to almost 70%. With this rise many parents are concerned with the impact that social media use can have on their children. Many parents are now limiting social media use and some teens are choosing not to use social media at all.

Description of the Problem: Teens are starting to become dependent on social media.

Who has the problem: The main people that have this problem are teens and their parents.

Title of Article: Deltona seeks state audit of firm - Residents want review of city's water company

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Story Description: Residents and the city commission of Deltona have moved to start the process of having their city water company audited. Bill spikes and excessive billing have long been concerns for city residents. The city commission hopes that an audit will help the city water company with its billing issues.

Description of Problem: The city of Deltona water company has had some billing issues

Who has the problem: Residents of Deltona who are being charged for water that have had problems with their billings. Also, the Deltona water company has issues because they are now being faced with an audit because of their actions.

Title of Article: Publix may reconsider longtime beard ban - Most facial hair has been taboo for decades

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Story Description: Publix is experimenting with changing its decades long policy against facial hair. For years Publix has chosen to prohibit facial hair for its employees to keep a “clean cut” image. With a declining workforce and a changing population dynamic, Publix has decided to experiment with changing this decades old ban.

Description of Problem: Publix is facing a changing population and has found a need to examine its policy on facial hair.

Who has the Problem: Publix has the problem of attracting a younger workforce and a younger customer base.


  1. William,
    Great work on your local opportunities post. I found the article about the SunRail particular interesting. I’m from Miami and the problem of traffic has been prevalent since I can remember. The public transportation is a failure and could really use a renovation to help the flow of traffic. Even with constant construction of expanded highways the problem still persists. Definitely room for opportunity in Miami and many other major cities.


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