
Showing posts from October, 2018

Growing Your Social Capital

Nick Domain Expert through classes The person has mutual friends with me and I contacted him through those friends. Nick was very helpful in explaining the app building landscape for me. He has a lot of technical experience including building apps and other computer programs. Nick explained to me a little bit about the process of building an app and how to keep it secure. There was no return expectation from me. He enjoyed explaining his work and helping me out with a school assignment. Nick is very knowledgeable, and I think I could use his expertise and advice along the way with building this app. Jan Market expert through classes This person is a fraternity brother of mine. Jan is an advertising major that attends the University of Florida. He explained to me a little bit about the knowledge that he has learned about marketing to millennials in his advertising classes. Jan is a friend of mine so there was no return expectation. Having Jan in my network is great because I am not the

Idea Napkin No. 2

1) I am William Sanders. I would say that one of my best skills relating to business is the ability to lead and help a group come to a consensus. My experience with this comes from my internship at Lockheed Martin and my involvement here on campus. My aspiration is to graduate college and earn a high paying job in a city out west. This business would be a large part of my life if I were to start it. When I do something, I like to put in 100% and it wouldn’t be any different building a business. 2) The product I am offering as an app that offers students at the University of Florida to see what parking lots are open or full spot by spot. The app will also show historic fill times for each lot on campus to allow students to plan out their day and park more quickly and effectively. 3) My main customers are the students at the University of Florida. These students have problems with parking daily and are sick of driving around trying to find a spot. They want to have an app

Create a Customer Avatar

The main customer I see for the parking app is a college aged student that likes the freedom of having a car. The people I can really see utilizing and liking the app are those students that really value being close to their car and having the ability to use it daily to suit wherever they need to commute. I think some hobbies my customers might have are going to the gym on campus as well as eating on campus. Many of my customers will probably want to commute to UF to go to class. I would say they typically drive a mid-range car and are probably interested in downloading the app to save their precious time they have during the day. I am very similar to the customer avatar. I really like having my car close by to get food and go to the gym. I think that it isn’t a coincidence that I have a lot in common with the avatar. I came up with the idea because I saw an unmet need in my own life and decided to base my app off that need.

Elevator Pitch No. 2

Please click this link to go to my second pitch:  Elevator Pitch No. 2 The feedback I got on my previous post was relatively positive. One thing I changed for the second pitch is including some recent information about parking that was released a few days ago. I also cleaned up the wording a little bit to make it flow better. The most important feedback I got was on my attire. People really liked that I was dressed formally so I continued that into this pitch as well.

What's Your Secret Sauce?

1 ) Five unique things: a. I have a great ability in being able to connect others together. b. When there are multiple views in a room I am very good at combining ideas and creating a good solution. c. I am very good at listening to others and understanding their problems. d. I am good at helping develop people and making them the best that they can be. e. I have a strong moral compass and admit when I am wrong. 2) Five People: a. Shawn: The main thing that I got from Shawn’s interview is that I am very good at expressing my emotions. I am very open about my struggles and triumphs and people find it easy connecting with that.  Shawn b. Scott: What I got from Scott is that I am very good with connecting with other people. I am very caring and can help people through tough times.  Scott c. Jacob: From Jacob I learned that I am very good at bridging the divide between people and knowing them enough to help

Figuring Out Buyer Behavior #2

1) Interviews: a. Carter: In talking with Carter, he told me that typically when he can’t find parking on campus he just goes to another parking lot after searching for a while. He told me that if he were to use an app he would want it to be accurate and convenient. If it wasn’t accurate then he wouldn’t be interested. Carter said that he mainly would use an app if he could be sure that it was up to date 24/7. b. Ian: Ian told me that when he can’t find parking near fraternity row that he normally just plans his time to miss peak time when parking lots are full. Otherwise he just parks somewhere else. He told me that if he were to use an app that he would want it to have a good interface so that it is easy to use. If it was inaccurate or glitchy he wouldn’t want to use it. c. Ryan: Ryan told me that he usually doesn’t have that many problems with parking. He said that he would use an app if it was built well on the off chance he has problems with parking. H

Halfway Reflection

It is very interesting to think that we have already hit the halfway point for this class. In that time, I have learned a lot about the entrepreneurship process and the business idea that I have thought of. The main behavior that I have used to keep up with these assignments is starting assignments early. To really get the most out of the class you really must put a lot of work in and that requires starting early to make sure that the assignments are done completely. One moment that I thought about giving up was when I had two tests around the time that the weekly assignments for this class were due. I wanted to just not do the assignments for the week because I was so tired from studying for my tests. I pulled through and did them anyway because I knew that not doing them would put me at a disadvantage during the rest of the course. I feel like I have developed a tenacious attitude by pulling through during the tough times. Three tips that I would give students are to start assignment

Reading Reflection No. 1

1) One thing that really surprised me the most about Steve Jobs is his upbringing. I didn’t know that he was given up for adoption at such a young age. One thing about Steve that I admired most is his focus on even the most minute detail. Even down to the packaging, Steve tried to make Apple products into an experience. The main thing that I did not admire about him was the fact that he often put work ahead of family matters. Family is very important to me and I don’t like it when entrepreneurs put that on the back burner for their business. Steve did encounter adversity and failure especially when he was fired from Apple. But he was able to pick himself back up and get back to creating amazing products for different companies. 2) The main competency I noticed about Steve was his ability to create a reality distortion field. If he wanted an idea to happen he would make it happen. It was that desire and confidence that really turned Apple into a hugely innovative company. 3)

Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1

1)   For my segment I chose to interview students at the University of Florida that live near fraternity row. 2) Interviews: a. Taylor: Taylor told me that he does have problems with parking around the fraternity row area up by Flavet Field often. He told me that often times it is very difficult to find a spot in the lot behind Flavet Field. When I pressed him on what times he most sees this problem he told me that most of the time he sees this problem around the 6 pm time slot as well as the 9 pm timeslot. I asked him why he thought that was the case and he told me that at 6 pm he thought a lot of people were parking behind Flavet to play sports on the field. At 9 pm he said he thought that everyone was parking to settle in for the night in their homes on Fraternity Row. He told me that when looking for a solution to his problems that he usually just doesn’t move his car around those times so that he can keep the spot he’s in. b. Jeremy: Jeremy told me that he

Idea Napkin No. 1

1)    I am William Sanders. I would say that my best skill relating to business is helping groups come to a consensus. Some primary experiences that have helped me develop this skill are my internships at Lockheed Martin and with a sales company based in Orlando. My aspirations are to graduate college and then get a good job that pays well. If I were to start my business concept I would foresee it taking up a large part of my life. Whenever I start something I always try to put in my all to see it be successful. Creating a business would be no different. 2) The product that I’m offering to customers is a way to see which parking lots are full or not. For students it creates a way to easily and efficiently find a spot without driving around all day. For the University of Florida, it improves student experience adding to the premier status of the school. 3) I’m offering this product to students at the University of Florida who have problems with parking on a daily basis. All