What's Your Secret Sauce?

1) Five unique things:

a. I have a great ability in being able to connect others together.

b. When there are multiple views in a room I am very good at combining ideas and creating a good solution.

c. I am very good at listening to others and understanding their problems.

d. I am good at helping develop people and making them the best that they can be.

e. I have a strong moral compass and admit when I am wrong.

2) Five People:

a. Shawn: The main thing that I got from Shawn’s interview is that I am very good at expressing my emotions. I am very open about my struggles and triumphs and people find it easy connecting with that. 

b. Scott: What I got from Scott is that I am very good with connecting with other people. I am very caring and can help people through tough times. 

c. Jacob: From Jacob I learned that I am very good at bridging the divide between people and knowing them enough to help come up with a solution. I always try and help. 

d. Ben: What I got from Ben is that I am very good at dealing with the small things involved with big picture stuff. I am also very caring and put the needs of others before my own sometimes. 

e. Orlando: From Orlando I found out that I show leadership tendencies but that I am a reluctant leader. I am very soft spoken but when I speak people listen. 

3) I think that my list matches up pretty well with my interviews. One thing I didn’t realize is that I am a reluctant leader. I didn’t realize how soft spoken I am. I would add that I am a reluctant leader to my list. I think everything else is pretty correct.


  1. Hey William,

    It was really interesting reading about your qualities. I personally love that you have a strong moral compass. Many lack that quality or try to push it away. It inspires me to rely on my moralities more and be confident in them! It is cool to see that from all the interviews it concludes that you are a very strong leader who can create a balance in the room. You seem to be a great compromiser and able to get everyone to be civil.

  2. WIlliam, it is very nice to see when people are able to admit they are wrong. It shows that you are mature and are brave enough to come forward and own up to your mistakes. It's also interesting to see how asking others about yourself can actually help you focus on strengthening some of your qualities. I hope this works out for you.

  3. William,
    I think you show many strong qualities that will suite you well in the future. Your qualities found in part B and C are a good combination as you can listen to the problems of others and come up with a solution to them. This with strong morals will lead you far.


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