Figuring Out Buyer Behavior #2

1) Interviews:

a. Carter: In talking with Carter, he told me that typically when he can’t find parking on campus he just goes to another parking lot after searching for a while. He told me that if he were to use an app he would want it to be accurate and convenient. If it wasn’t accurate then he wouldn’t be interested. Carter said that he mainly would use an app if he could be sure that it was up to date 24/7.

b. Ian: Ian told me that when he can’t find parking near fraternity row that he normally just plans his time to miss peak time when parking lots are full. Otherwise he just parks somewhere else. He told me that if he were to use an app that he would want it to have a good interface so that it is easy to use. If it was inaccurate or glitchy he wouldn’t want to use it.

c. Ryan: Ryan told me that he usually doesn’t have that many problems with parking. He said that he would use an app if it was built well on the off chance he has problems with parking. He said he most values an easy interface and up to date information. Otherwise he wouldn’t even bother downloading it.

2) In summary, it seems like most of the people I interviewed really value a good interface and a continuously working app. Most of them would look back at their download and be satisfied if the app was constantly up to date and had a good interface.


  1. William,
    As you continue to do more and more research on potential customers your product will only get better. Continuing this process will greatly set you up with a great business opportunity. I agree with Carter that your product must work consistently in order to capture all potential customers. Great work.

  2. William,
    It seems like there is definitely a need for your app, because just about everyone you talk to says they would use it because parking is always an issue. It is clear that for your app to be successful it needs to be accurate and quick, almost live feed of open parking spots. It looks like you are getting good feed back from your interviewees. Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing!


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